1. A son of lapetus and Thornaxe, an Arcadian hero and husband of Promne. He received the wounded Iphicles, the brother of Heracles, into his house, and took care of him until he died. Buphagus was afterwards killed by Artemis for having pursued her. (Description of Greece by Pausanias viii. 14. § 6, 27. § 11.)
2. A surname of Heracles, Lepreus, and others, who were believed to have eaten a whole bull at once. ( The Theogony of Apollodorus II ; Aelian; Eustath. ad Homer)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom The Theogony of Apollodorus II
Going through the country of the Dryopes and being in lack of food, Hercules met Thiodamas driving a pair of bullocks; so he unloosed and slaughtered one of the bullocks and feasted. And when he came to Ceyx at Trachis he was received by him and conquered the Dryopes.