Source: William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyA Phrygian woman, in whose humble dwelling Jupiter and Mercury were hospitably received, after having been refused admission by every one else in the country. Baucis and her husband Philemon were therefore saved by the gods when they visited the country with an inundation and Jupiter made Baucis and Philemon priests in his temple; and when the two mortals expressed a wish to die together, Jupiter granted their request by changing them simultaneously into trees.
[ See: Baucis and Philemon by Jonathan Swift - On the ever-lamented loss of the two Yew-trees ]
[ See: The Story of Baucis and Philemon ]
BAUCIS (BavKis), a Greek poetess, who is called a disciple of Sappho. She was a native of Tenos, and a friend of Erinna. She died at a youthful age, just before her marriage, and Erinna is said to have written the epitaph upon her which is still extant, and which, together with another fragment of Erinna, contains all we know about Baucis.