1. A son of Telamon, king of Salamis, by Periboea or Eriboea ( Apollodorus iii), and a grandson of Aeacus. Homer calls him Ajax the Telamonian, Ajax the Great, or simply Ajax, whereas the other Ajax, the son of Onleus, is always distinguished from the former by some epithet.
According to Homer Ajax joined the expedition of the Greeks agains Troy, with his Salaminians, in twelve ships, and was next to Achilles the most distinguished and the braves among the Greeks. He is described as tall of stature, and his head and broad shoulders as rising above those of all the Greeks; in beauty he was inferior to none but Achilles.
When Hector challenge the bravest of the Greeks to single combat, Ajax came forward among several others. The people prayed that he might fight, and when the lot fell to Ajax and he approached, Hector himself began to tremble. He wounded Hector and dashed him to the ground by a huge stone. The combatants were separate and upon parting they exchanged arms with one another as a token of mutual esteem.
Ajax was also one of the ambassadors whom Agamemnon sent to conciliate Achilles.
He fought several times besides with Hector, as in the battle near the ships of the Greeks, and in protecting the body of Patroclus.
In the games at the funerul of Patroclus, Ajax fought with Odysseus, I without gaining any decided advantage over him and in like manner with Domedes. In the contest about the armour of Achilles, he was conquered by Odysseus, and this, says Homer, became the cause of his death. Odysseus afterwards met his spirit in Hades, and endeavoured to appease it, but in vain.
Thus far the story of Ajax', the Telainonian, is related in the Homeric poems. Later writers furnish us with various other traditions about his youth, but more especially about his death, which is so vaguely alluded to by Homer.
According to Apollodorus and Pindar, Ajax became invulnerable in consequence of a prayer which Heracles offered to Zeus, while he was on a visit in Salamis. The child was called Atas from aeros, an eagle, which appeared immediately after the prayer as a favourable omen.
According to Lycophron, Ajax was born before Heracles came to Telamon, and the hero made the child invulnerable by wrapping him up in his lion's skin.
Ajax is also mentioned among the suitors of Helen. ( Apollodorus iii)
During the war against Troy, Ajax, like Achilles, made excursions into neighbouring countries. The first of them was to the Thracian Chersonesus, where he took Polydoras, the son of Priam, who had been entrusted to the care of king Polymnestor, together with rich booty. Thence, he went into Phrygia, slew king Teuthras, or Teleutas, in single combat, and carried off great spoils, and Tecmessa, the king's daughter, who became his mistress.
In the contest about the armour of Achilles, Agamemnon, on the advice of Athena, awarded the prize to Odysseus. This discomfiture threw Ajax into an awful state of madness. In the night he rushed from his tent, attacked the sheep of the Greek army, made great havoc among them, and dragged dead and living animals into his tent, fancying that they were his enemies. When, in the morning, he recovered his senses and beheld what he had done, shame and despair led him to destroy himself with the sword which Hector had once given him as a present.
Less poetical traditions make Ajax die by the hands of others. His step-brother Teucrus was charged by Telamon with the murder of Ajax, but succeeded in clearing himself from the accusation.
A tradition mentioned by Pausanias states, that from his blood there sprang up a purple flower which bore the letters ah on its leaves, which were at once the initials of his name and expressive of a sigh. According to Dictys, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, deposited the ashes of the hero in a golden urn on mount Rhoeteion and according to Sophocles, he was buried by his brother Teucrus against the will of the Atreidae. Pausanias represents Ajax, like many other heroes, as living after his death in the island of Leuce.
It is said that when, in the time of the emperor Hadrian, the sea had washed open the grave of Ajax, bones of superhuman size were found in it, which the emperor, however, ordered to be buried again.
Ajax was worshipped in Salamis as the tutelary hero of the island, and had a temple with a statue there, and was honoured with a festival. At Athens too he was worshipped, and was one of the eponymic heroes, one of the Attic tribes (Aeantis) being called after him.
Not far from the town Rhoeteion, on the promontory of the same name, there was likewise a sanctuary of Ajax, with a beautiful statue, which Antonius sent to Egypt, but which was restored to its original place by Augustus. According to Dictys Cretensis the wife of Ajax was Glauca, by whom she had a son, Aeanticles; by his beloved Tecmessa, he had a son, Eurysaces.
Several illustrious Athenians of the historical times, such as Miltiades, Cimon, and Alcibiades, traced their pedigree to the Telainonian Ajax. The traditions about this hero furnished plentiful materials, not only for poets, but also for sculptors and painters. His single combat with Hector was represented on the chest of Cypselus; his statue formed a part of a large group at Olympia, the work of Lycius.
A beautiful sculptured head, which is generally believed to be a head of Ajax, is still extant in the Egremont collection at Petworth.
2. The son of Oileus, king of the Locrians, who is also called the Lesser Ajax. His mother's name was Eriopis. According to Strabo his birthplace was Naryx in Locris, whence Ovid (Metamorphoses xiv) calls him Narycius. According to the Iliad he led his Locrians in forty ships against Troy. He is described as one of the great heroes among the Greeks, and acts frequently in conjunction with the Telainonian Ajax.
He is small of stature and wears a linen cuirass, but is brave and intrepid, especially skilled in throwing the spear, and, next to Achilles, the most swift-footed among all the Greeks.
In the funeral games at the pyre of Patroclus he contended with Odysseus and Antilochus for the prize in the footrace; but Athena, who was hostile towards him and favoured Odysseus, made him stumble and fall, so that he gained only the second prize
On his return from Troy his vessel was wrecked on the Whirling Rocks, but he escaped upon a rock through the assistance of Poseidon, and would have been saved in spite of Athena, but he used presumptuous words, and said that he would escape the dangers of the sea in defiance of the immortals. Hereupon Poseidon split the rock with his trident, and Ajax was swallowed up by the sea.
In later traditions this Ajax is called a son of Oileus and the nymph Rhene, and is also mentioned among the suitors of Helen. According to tradition in Philostratus, Ajax had a tame dragon, five cubits in length, which followed him even-where like a dog. After the taking of Troy, it is said, he rushed into the temple of Athena, where Cassandra had taken refuge, and was embracing the statue of the goddess as a suppliant. Ajax dragged her away with violence and led her to the other captives.
According to some statements he even violated Cassandra in the temple of the goddess; Odysseus at least accused him of this crime, and Ajax was to be stoned to death, but saved himself by establishing his innocence by an oath.
The whole charge, is on the other hand, said to have been an invention of Agamemnon, who wanted to have Cassandra for himself.
But whether true or not, Athena had sufficient reason for being indignant, as Ajax had dragged a suppliant from her temple. When on his voyage homeward he came to the Capharean rocks on the coast of Euboea, his ship was wrecked in a storm, he himself was killed by Athena with a flash of lightning, and his body was washed upon the rocks, which henceforth were called the rocks of Ajax. After his death his spirit dwelled in the island of Leuce.
The Opuntian Locrians worshipped Ajax as their national hero, and so great was their faith in him, that when they drew up their army in battle array, they always left one place open for him, believing that, although invisible to them, he was fighting for and among them.
The story of Ajax was frequently made use of by ancient poets and artists, and the hero who appears on some Locrian coins with the helmet, shield, and sword, is probably Ajax the son of Oileus.