1. A son of Metaneira, was changed by Demeter into a lizard, because he mocked the goddess when she had come on her wanderings into the house of her mother, and drank eagerly to quench her thirst. Other traditions relate the same story of a boy, Ascalabus, and call his mother Misme.
2. The twelfth King of Argos. He was the son of Lynceus and Hypernmestra, and grandson of Danaus. He married Ocaleia, who bore him twin sons, Acrisius and Proetus. When he informed his father of the death of Danaus, he was rewarded with the shield of his grandfather, which was sacred to Hera. He is described as a successful conqueror and as the founder of the town of Abae in Phocis, and of the Pelasgic Argos in Thessaly.
The fame of his warlike spirit was so great, that even after his death, when people revolted, whom he had subdued, they were put to flight by the simple act of showing them his shield. It was from this Abas that the kings of Argos were called by the patronymic Abantiads.