the bliss of heaven and of the punishment of hell. And these degrees will be determined by
what is done in the flesh, Matt. 11:22,24; Luke 12:47,48; 20:47; Dan. 12:3; II Cor. 9-6. The
Gentiles will be judged by the law of nature, inscribed in their hearts, the Israelites of the old
dispensation by the Old Testament revelation and by that only, and those who have enjoyed,
besides the light of nature and the revelation of the Old Testament, the light of the gospel, will
be judged according to the greater light which they have received. God will give to every man
his due.
Here we should distinguish:
God will take cognizance of the state of affairs, of the whole past life
of man, including even the thoughts and secret intents of the heart. This is symbolically
represented in Scripture as the opening of the books, Dan. 7:10; Rev. 20:12. The pious of the
days of Malachi spoke of a book of remembrance written before God, Mal. 3:16. It is a
figurative description which is added to complete the idea of the judgment. A judge usually has
the book of the law and the record of those who appear before him. In all probability the figure
in this case simply refers to the omniscience of God. Some speak of the book of God’s Word as
the statute book, and of the book of remembrance as the book of predestination, God’s private
record. But it is very doubtful whether we should particularize in that fashion.
There will be promulgation of the sentence. The day of
judgment is the day of wrath, and of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God, Rom. 2:5.
All must be revealed before the tribunal of the supreme Judge, II Cor. 5:10. The sense of justice
demands this. The sentence pronounced upon each person will not be secret, will not be known
to that person only, but will be publicly proclaimed, so that at least those in any way concerned
will know. Thus the righteousness and grace of God will shine out in all their splendor.
The sentence of the righteous will convey everlasting
blessedness, and that of the wicked everlasting misery. The Judge will divide mankind into two
parts, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, Matt. 25:32 ff. In view of what will be
said of their final state in the following chapter, nothing more need be added here.
V. The Final State
The last judgment determines, and therefore naturally leads on to, the final state of those who
appear before the judgment seat. Their final state is either one of everlasting misery or one of
eternal blessedness.