Page 414 - Systematic Theology - Louis Berkhof

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ceremonialism? How was the doctrine of justification understood? How did Augustine conceive
of it? What was his conception of faith? How many kinds of grace did he distinguish? Did grace
exclude all merit in his system? Did he conceive of saving grace as amissible? What factors
favored the development of the doctrine of good works? How did the Scholastics represent the
doctrine of justification? How did the ordo salutis fare in the hands of the Antinomians? How
did the rationalistic and pietistic neonomians conceive of it? What other than saving operations
are ascribed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture? Which are the different meanings of the word
‘grace’ in Scripture? What does it designate in connection with the work of redemption? What
is the relation between the doctrines of free will and grace in history?
Bavinck, Geref. Dogm. III, pp. 551-690; Kuyper, Dict. Dogm., De Salute, pp. 15-20;
McPherson, Chr. Dogm., pp. 367-371; Kaftan, Dogmatik, pp. 525-532, 651-661; Warfield, The
Plan of Salvation; Seeberg, Heilsordnung (Art. in Hauck’s Realencyclopaedie); Pieper, Christl.
Dogm. II, pp.. 473-498; H. Schmid, Doct. Theol., pp. 413-416; K. Dijk, Heilsorde (Art. in Chr.
Enc.); Pope, Chr. Theol. II, pp. 348-367; Neil, Grace (Art. in A Protestant Dictionary); Easton,
Grace (Art. in the Intern. Standard Bible Ec.); Smeaton, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, pp. 1-99,
291-414; Buchanan, The Doctrine of Justification, pp. 339-364; Moffatt, Grace in the New
Testament; Bryan, W. S., An Inquiry into the Need of the Grace of God.